

■Decision about broadcasting Jupiter’s special program in U-STREAM !! 

Jupiter Debut Single "Blessing of the Future" released on 7/24

Emergency decision about broadcasting Jupiter channel①” in Ust was made!!

Date and time                26/06(Wed)            21:00~22:00 (Japan time)
URL                               www.ustream.tv/channel/akasakaplus

We’re collecting questions from fans
Via Twitter!!
But maybe we will even let you hear our private stories?

For PC

For Mobiles & Smartphones

This broadcasting guests are TERU & HIZAKI & ZIN!

We want to create program together with fans, so please, join us by all means

I’m waiting all the time for questions and topics to talk !!

For those, who think ‘what the heck is U-STREAM!?’… please, google it (laughs)

I can’t wait!!

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