

■Tour Okayama~Tokyo(。・_・。)/ 

As a bonus I will post the outline of the time at Okayama~Tokyo (trip)

If mind, it’s extremely heavy, because the trip takes 10 hours!

Until the return we have excursion LIVE(>_<)

That day was also a good weather!

Indeed it’s a Land of sunny weatherOkayama

Well, departure from Okayama!

Here may be a wave!

There was a monument in shape of the heart(?), so I took the photo

But, if you watch it from this side, its shape is completely different, interesting~!

It’s hard to get it, but it’s a lake Biwa

I forgot which service area was that

But that car was exhibited there, so I took the photo


And this is how we safe arrived in Tokyo!

Fukuoka & Okayama & everyone who went with us, thank you!!

Next time is 4/11(Mon) in Osaka ESAKA MUSE!!

But before there  a party Mad tea party organized by D-san

On 30th of October in Osaka BIG CAT and 1st of November in Nagoya E.L.L, so

Let’s fly still wrapped in cool (feelings)!

Bye for now(。・_・。)/

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