

■In-store events commemorating release of newsingle「LAST MOMENT」 decided!!

In-store events commemorating release of new singleLAST MOMENT decided!!

Like an Edison In-store events
312() 19:00 at Like an Edison Shinjuku
411() 19:00 at Like an Edison Osaka
413() 14:30 at Like an Edison Nagoya

■HMVOmiya Arche In-store event
3/14(Fri) 20:3021:00

Event's commodity reservation and details will be revealed after lifting the ban.

More info soon

In-store events commemorating release of new singleLAST MOMENT have been decided

It was already announced, but I will inform you also here!

More info will be announced later, but I want this event to be enjoyable for you

I should mention that on 4/10 will be my birthday, so it will be surging schedule for those 4 days!!(laughs)

But before is Kanazawa→Kyoto→Okayama, so including moving it will be about a week

Get excited!

I can’t wait to see you!

Really. I mean, SERIOUSLY.

It’s a bye for now(。・_・。)/

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