

European Tour Part 4 German LIVE(。・_・。)/

07 Feb @Die Werkstatt in Koln, Germany

Today LIVE in Germany!
I think that we learned from our mistakes in Poland and on that day we departed quite early in the morning(laughs)

We departed early, but this time there were no traffics and we arrived to the club one hour before we planned, so
In a hurry we went for small sightseeing, to see Cologne Cathedral!ε=( _)

We reached the Cathedral after 10 minutes by car!!

The official name is Cathedral of  St. Peter and Marie.
And its height is 157m!!

This photo looks somehow like from FF(laughs)
I think that you can notice that from my hair, but wind was really strong and cold!!

I think that overseas road signs are somehow cool~(>_<)
I have a feeling that I took many photos of them(laughs)

Few minutes later place behind this gate was occupied by children(laughs) (゜∀゜)

To the inside! The atmosphere of solemnity was amazing.
Overwhelming force!!

Seems it’s an altar. Overflowing feeling of space!

There were characters carved on pillars. Cool!
Studying it may be helpful in designing.
If you haven’t seen it before, it makes a huge difference from what you’ve known.

Stained glass were cool.
Our stay time was really short, but I’m amazingly satisfied!! Let’s go again to the venue!

Arriving at LIVE house!!

By the way, it was the third time I’ve played there(laughs) I’m baaack!! ( ´ ` )

Setting ready! Stage is a bit low.

ENGL PowerBall I used that day made a first-rank sound!
Maybe it’s thanks to the voltage?
Anyway, ENGL is a German amplifier!
Kettner, which I used before is also a German amplifier, so maybe I’m familiar with Germany!?(゜∀゜)

This is Angel-san, who took care of us this time!
I’m wearing simply tour T-shirt( ´ ` )

Members and tour team united and all the preparations went even faster than in schedule,
And this time meetings with fans also went smooth!! Good thing! Uhuh!
But signing over 200 posters before the LIVE was hard~(_;

With Maashii right before the LIVE
Yup! Let’s go!!

And the performance! The stage was a bit wider than one in Poland so I felt a bit more freely!

ENGL sound was really pleasant, and I feel so proud of how I played!

forever with you played overseas was unique.

Our performance was 1,5h long on that day, that’s why I felt it was a bit too short(>_<)

I really want to thank you for beautiful time!!

I wrote it as a token of remembrance
I want to come back here for the fourth time( ´ ` )

It’s Germany, so we ate Greek Moussaka
The base was an eggplant baked with cheese, it was delicious( ´ ` )

And awaited sausage with German potatoes!! Yeah!
It was so delicious(´∀`)

We calmly ate dinner, but from now on we moved fast to the France!∑(゚Д゚)
We departed from Germany around 1 a.m.
I think that we arrived in France around 7 a.m.? Oh dear~!

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