

Jupiter forming commemoration eventThe Wishing Ceremony

Good eveeening (。・_・。)/

I was quite busy because of different things after the LIVE, but finally I could update the blog!!

It’s already 3 days after the live, but everyone please, read up up(laughs)


I’ve started from introduction,

But on the 29/8 in Ebisu LIQUIDROOM, event The Wishing Ceremony to commemorate Jupiter’s forming took place!!

I think that I want to post something in shape of report(>_<)

I want to deeply thank to everyone, that you have gathered so numerously

Moreover, I want to thank all the bands who came to appear as a guest on the event of Jupiter, who started their activity in less than few months ago!

Each of the bands was unique and hot

Before the setting for rehearsal

We are supported by so many STAFF-san

Thank you very much! m(_ _)m

The cornerstone of TERU’s metal sound – ENGL!!

This cabinet was surprisingly heavy(laughs)

Tension went high during the LIVE because I was able to see your faces very well!

I am very happy that I could see you all like that

This time set list was set of 3 songs from single and 3 songs from album

So wasn’t that a well-balanced selection?

Stay tuned because from now on we will play more often songs from the album on our one-man lives!

I think that there were many things with which we didn’t soak, but…

I’m glad we could make this forming commemoration event

Thank you very much!!!!

Finally, I have done the two-shot with Yukio-kun and…

Huh? Where is this two-shot!?

Please, take a cloooose look

This dark leg in the upper right corner is Yukio-san’s leg(laughs)

Well, to be continued!!(。・_・。)/

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