

Decision about appearance on stylish wave COUNTDOWN 13-14」!☆(。・_・。)/ 


Decision about appearance on stylish wave COUNTDOWN 13-14」!

Date2013/12/31 (Tue)
PlaceLaforet Museum Roppongi
GuestsJupiter / Royz / DIAURA / Unite / Moran / GOTCHAROCKA / BORN / Lycaon /
DIV / Black Gene For the Next Scene / FEST VAINQUEUR / MoNoLith /
Jin-Machine / Crazys
hampoo / Codomo Dragon

TicketsAll standing / With serial numbers
Pre-sales:¥6,000Tax in/Beverage paid with entering
Day of the performance:¥6,500Tax in/Beverage paid with entering
Tickets general release2013/10/18(Fri) 10:00

Info about performancesSunday Folk Promotion Tokyo 0570-00-3337

<Tickets' preordering>


We will also appear on the New Year's Eve event!!

I want to make the New Year's Eve noisy with you

Let's enter the new year together by all means(。・_・。)/

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