

Decision about appearance onstylish wave CIRCUIT 13 Fuyushōgun!(。・_・。)/ 

Decision about appearance onstylish wave CIRCUIT 13


2013/12/26 (Thu) Sendai darwin
GuestsJupiter / HERO / Roys / MoNoLith / Crazyshampoo / MementoMori / Codomo Dragon
InfoKyōdō Tōhoku 022-217-7788

2013/12/28 (Sat) OSAKA MUSE
GuestsJupiter / Roys / FEST VAINQUEUR / BFN / MementoMori / Grieva / Codomo Dragon
InfoKyōdō Infomēshon 06-7732-8888

2013/12/29 (Sun) Nagoya E.L.L.
GuestsJupiter / Roys / FEST VAINQUEUR / Lycaon / Crazyshampoo / MementoMori / Codomo Dragon
InfoSunday Folk Production 052-320-9100

<Common for each performance>
TICKETSAll standing / With serial numbers
Pre-sales:¥3,500Tax in/Beverage paid with entering
Day of the performance:¥4,800Tax in/Beverage paid with entering
Tickets general release2013/10/17(Thu)

<Tickets' preordering>

Everyone, here’s the announcemeeent

It was released yesterday,

But I upload it here too, in shape of recap

The decision that we will performance atstylish wave CIRCUIT 13 冬将軍」has been made

Jupiter from the autumn will take the "attack" attitude(laughs)

I'm looking forward to it, because we will have many opportunities to meet you!


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