

stylish wave 春の嵐」 10th performance @Niigata GOLDEN PIGS RED STAGE

stylish wave 春の嵐」 10th performance @Niigata GOLDEN PIGS RED STAGE

10th performance of Haru no Arashi! Niigata!

That day we’ve departed at 7 a.m.! It was so early~(laughs)

It’s been a long time, since we played in Niigata GOLDEN PIGS RED STAGE!

I am happy that we are able to come back to many different places like this

However, our dressing room was at the lower level, so I had an impression that we came to somehow different place(laughs)

I double-checked it during rehearsal,

But both stage and hall looked weird because of pillars! (laughs)

When I haven’t look at shimote of the hall, I couldn’t see you all! (_;

So we’ve performed taking this into account!

First song was “Scarlet”!

This kind of beginning makes me excited

But shouting in choruses makes my throat damaged in first attempt☆←

Next was „Allegory Cave” followed by „--Innovation”!

Yep, that day’s LIVE showed Jupiter’s violent manners!

Having the trauma after last time, I got the proper revenge on the entering of “--Innovation”! Alrighty!

I noticed that from the end of first song, but it was awesomely hot in there!

We were drowning in sweat(laughs) Probably it was the hottest place of this tour, wasn’t it!?

Last song was “Symmetry Breaking”!

And the violent LIVE was finished like this

Speaking of which, we’ve renewed our outfits from that day!

I can’t wait to see, if something will change during LIVEs

Next thing, HIZAKI-san entered the stage during Grievia-san’s LIVE!

Prepare that I also can appear anytime(laughs)

This way I want to heat the event

Niigata thank you!

Next it’s Kanazawa’s turn! (。・_・。)/

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